Wednesday, July 30, 2008

looking for passion...

Just a few months until the Leadnow 2008 event in Dallas!! I worked for this organization “The Rightnow Campaign” about a year ago and got to catch a glimpse of what it means to be ‘missional’…and then to be passionate about it! I went to Orlando and D.C. in 2007 and got to hang out with peeps like David Crowder, Donald Miller, Dan Kimball, Margaret Feinberg, Todd Phillips and way too many others to list here. So, I invited a couple from my church to come check it out. Little did I know what God had in store for them…and little did they know?!?! Insane… but really awesome what God did and is continuing to do in their lives.

Leadnow is ALL about equipping leaders and those passionate about 20-30 somethings. Expose what you’re passionate about and unleash those passions into action. I’m not talking about “ok, I love to teach soccer…so, I’ll go home, get online, research and see how this might be something I could use”. NOPE… they have over 30 mission organizations there at the events that you can connect with right then and there and get plugged into. Missions? I used to associate missions with going out of the States, but I think Dwight Ozard states it well “The greatest mission filed we face is not in some faraway land. The strange and foreign culture most Americans fear is not across the ocean, it’s barely across the street. The culture most lost to the gospel is our own, our children and our neighbors. It’s a culture that can’t say two sentences without referring to a TV show or a pop song. It’s a culture more likely to have a body part pierced than to know why Sarah laughed. It’s a culture that we stopped loving and declared a culture war on”.

SO… that’s what happened to my friends who went to Leadnow in Orlando. They heard God's voice calling them and they acted on it! They were checking out all the speakers and decided to check out a video about children in Africa. Long story short… they are currently in Uganda! Sold everything they owned, house and all…packed it up and moved to Africa. Don’t know how many of us would put all our trust and faith in God to do something so bold. Much less, just to even entertain the idea when we hear the voice of God calling us. We usually ignore it or think it’s the Taco Bueno we ate the night before.

There are so many different mission opportunities here in our area…we just have to open our eyes and engage our creative, God given brains to realize what they are. I would love see us all put as much effort into our daily mission field as my friends in Uganda are. Just think about the impact we could have on our spiritually impoverished communities?!?

Want to go to Leadnow/Fusion? let me's in November

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