Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday Reflections

When passion meets the heart of the saved, we should find ourselves becoming an unstoppable force sharing the word of Christ. When I get so excited about something new in my life, you’re going to hear about. And on top of that, you’ll probably catch a bit of emotion in the words coming out of my mouth! I hope I'm this way with my Faith. I cannot begin to explain the fire that’s burning in me right now. Especially after this past Sunday’s service at Four Winds. Not just energy hype from a feel good motivational speaking (combined with 2 cups of coffee), but Truth leaping off the pages of my bible as if they were coming to life. Really excited to be a part of this new church plant in Royse City. God is really moving in an awesome and powerful way.

I pray that we continue to stay humble and totally focused on Him. still praying for the staff and people of Four Winds...

1 comment:

Marshall said...

Good stuff matt...I'm also starting to feel some real excitment about being apart of Four Winds and want God has in store for us.Let us be obedient!