Saturday, August 2, 2008

whats the hold up...

Stumbled on this church website a while back and just wanted to re-visit a few thoughts I had.

This church started with 20 people passionate about God and passionate about reaching the lost. They grew from 20 people to over 3,500 in just 2 years. thats is insane and unheard of, you may be thinking...i know. but why is that?? why is that really so insane? why the jaw dropping shock that a small group of people could start such a huge chain reaction within their community to be reaching 3,500 in 2 years. On top of that...they are a mobile church that meets in 2 different High Schools. INTERESTING...!! I thought so.

It wasn't encouraging to me because i was looking at it through the lens of "wow, these guys are meeting in a school and grew this, we could do that" but i was looking at it as...."ya know...God doesn't need a huge Church building or permanent facility to reach the lost. He doesn't need me sitting around racking my brain trying to figure out what our church appearance should look like, what people will think their first time visiting, what the music sounds like to them.... he needs people passionate for the lost. He needs me to be totally focused on him and to let the Spirit move through me by staying in his word and being prayed up." He needs people to do what Jesus did...GO. Get a group of people who are passionate about sharing his word and truth and GO. Not to wait around to build a group of people who were book/bible smart so they could school the lost. God has called us where we are and it's for an obvious reason I think. I've been so comfortable with 'doing church' over the years that i sometimes lose sight of what God has put right in front of me. This new church plant and being mobile has totally taken me from my comfort zone...SWEET. its about time for my wake up call. feel like i've been asleep for a while

To check out that church, just click here

I don't know much about this church...and you can check it out if you want. But its not just about this particular church.... its about what God wants do with people who have a passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!

I'll never forget what I heard Rob Bell say about Jesus' disciples... he called them the "not good enough's". What is that about? They were the ones who didn't make the list to be a disciple of a Rabbi while they were in school. They did not have the fullest knowledge of the scriptures to get that far. Ouch. So they had to take up the family trade... fishing. yippee. Jesus saw these guys, called them out and the rest is history. I was called out the moment I put my faith in Jesus Christ. We are all called out at that moment!! We are called to make fishers of men. We are not going to do any good at all if we are afraid to even just get our hooks wet! I so often leave the "hard" work (opening my mouth) up to the ones who have the schooling and the knowledge of the scriptures because after all...that's what they do and it looks easy for them.... I think it's cause I've been lazy and afraid.

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